9Dec-I still miss Poppin Q오빠... taday was my first day at work at as part-time admin at MeiLian's office... then after work, i went for my hairdressing course taday after a long break... derrick is back... abit shocked... he asked me whether i stayed at AMK coz he saw me there someday but didnt call me lah... haha... then i remembered it was when we celebrate MeiLian bday n he still remember till now... haha...he even say i've grown thinner... HeeHee...
i reached home and go to Poppin Q오빠 cyworld again...Poppin Q 오빠 nv reply both my messages... abit disappointed but he didnt really reply every single msg coz i think there's too many so dun feel that really down but really hoped that he did read my msg afterall... will try to leave him a message again tml...haha...
8Dec-I think i think of Poppin Q오빠 too much that i dreamt of going America as Poppin Q오빠 's gf to look for him but didnt get to see him coz am interviewed by one lady... =P I visited Poppin Q오빠 cyworld again and know that he've reached Korea safely and read the msgs we left him at his cyworld even though he never reply my 1st message that i left him...Really missed him n feel down... Hope they can come back to Singapore soon after the One Dream event at Korea... I post a message at his cyworld again...
No.179 효정Shanelle ( 2008.12.08 21:03, IP )
오빠~ 안녕하세요 =)
도,싱가포르 에서 효정입니다...하하
So fast you're back in korea already...I think you don't remember me but i did a Poppin Q board... the Poppin Q is in 빨간색 and below "Poppin Q", i wrote 최백규 오빠 화이팅 in 은색...i go to watch your performance on 5일,6일도7일(12월)...기억아나지...ㅎㅎ...하지만,괜찮습니나... =P
지금,한국은추워요...많은 옷을 착용하세요...건강하세요... 보고 싶다...
One Dream 일산 화이팅~
Poppin Q, 백규 오빠 짱! 최고!!! 화이팅~
7Dec- Taday, i decided that i shall go back to Square 2 again bcoz it's Last for One last performance at Singapore... =( At home before going out, i search the internet for the song, Beggin and this song bcome my sms ringtone... Heehee...
I went alone...I went for the 7pm show and alot of people was there already... so i only can stand at the last row of seats and i brought my Poppin Q오빠 board again...Heehee...
Poppin Q오빠 and other 오빠 dance the "Nobody"for the Special Performance...So nice~
Then i went home and find Poppin Q오빠 cyworld and leave a msg at the visitor board as 효정Shanelle... This is my 1st msg at Poppin Q오빠 cyworld...
No.159 효정Shanelle ( 2008.12.08 00:29, IP )
규 오빠~ 안녕하세요 =)
싱가포르 에서 효정입니다...
Really love your performance and 화이팅 for the One Dream event coming up...
규오빠 화이팅~ 도,사랑해~ 건강하세요...
6Dec- Haha... we are back to Square 2 again for Last for One's show again... Heehee, So happy and excited!!! We brought the boards that we make and we get to sit at the 3rd row... haha... Getting near the stage... We watched the 2pm show and of course it's Great!!! MeiLian was tired but i really want to stay and watch the 4pm show... So we stayed...Then Last for One was at the 3rd level i think... haha...it was about 3pm plus and Poppin Q오빠 was looking down from level 3 at my direction n he even tried to drop his towel... haha... So cute~ n Meilian said Poppin Q오빠 noticed my board n pointed at me at the 2pm show...So happy =)
Then after watching the 4pm show, i have to go home coz i'm going to grandma's house... However, i'm really glad that i went to support Poppin Q오빠 and Last for One...
5Dec-Went out with 무리엄마 도 동생 to OG[Orchard] and CK Tang then after that, me and 무리동생 went to meet MeiLian coz he want to watch Last for One's performance...After watching the 2Nov [Vivocity] and 28Nov[Square 2]'s Last for One performance, this is the third time i went to support Last for One performance...It was the 7pm show coz MeiLian needs to work...Again, i fall into Poppin Q 오빠 again...Haha... *shy* Then when Poppin Q 오빠 went to toilet and going back to backstage after the show, my heart was beating so fast and nervous when we get so near even though i dare not talk to him...Me and MeiLian decided that we shld make board for Poppin Q 오빠 [me] and MeiLian, doing Style Jack오빠's board at my house...The board i make is on top of this post...
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