Yestarday, me n MeiLian went to class only... i think Jeslyn gave up already ba... haiz~ wat a pity.. how wish we can learn and hav fun together... but, wat to do? tat's her choice.. but still remember that time she say she want to learn korean language becoz of JaeJoong... but now she gave up, does that mean she doesn't like JaeJoong that much that i think? Coz whenever she toking to me about JaeJoong, i can feel how emotional she is... but now i think it's jus a thinking and teenage period abt loving an idol ba...
Now, about wat happen in class yestarday... me n MeiLian reached school about the same time.. then seonsaengnim saw MeiLian's folder is full of U-Know's photo... then he ask does she wan to talk to U-Know? he can help her.... then we was LIKE, REALLY? tat kind of thing.... then he really make that call... WE WERE SO SO SO SO EXCITED!!!! but he's cousin was busy recording a FM programme in korea, so seonsaengnim had to hang up the phone..... then we request we wan autographed photo then he say can~ then i say i wan JaeJoong's email then he say study hard then.... we were feeling so warm inside and keep laughing coz we were really happy inside... jus cant help it *laughz* he also got say he say he see Lee Young E a.k.a Dae Chang Guem b4 n comment that she was SO SO SO pretty and her face is jus as big as his fist *holding his fist SO tight* haha...
btw, when we jus settled down in class, he said somethng in korean to me... that's i was pretty yesterday... HAHA *smilez* so paiseh...
then we continued our lesson yestarday seems a long class to us coz we were learning alot yestarday n we enjoyed it also.... *happy*
yestarday, we learned about making a call, the things we hav to say... then after learning the basic conversation, seonsaengnim really went out of class and called us to practise... haha... we all were so nervous.. so fun n funny...
then on the mrt journey home, found out that MeiLian wanted to collect the animated keychain of Xiah n JaeJoong... coz she wanted to collect full set... still thinking whether want to sell her mine Xiah keychain or not... i bought 2 coz if i scatched the one i was hanging, i still hav the other on for keeping... but i think i hav to find for her n myself too... dun noe want to collect or not...
taday, SO HAPPY in the morning coz TVXQ is on MY PAPER taday about the t-shirt they designed for SM...saw the pic on the paper the photo seems very nice but it was super blur... btw, here is the newspaper cutting from MY and the most important thing i want to say is they write wrong U-Know's name... *quite angry* always never check...

One more happy but sad thing taday!!! i bought 9 box of MI-STICK taday!!! haha.... i know i'm crazy but i jus like.. but got one series i didnt manage to get JaeJoong's one... quite disappointed coz it's my favourite series... then the Lady Boss very fierce... *so scared* but when i asked her, she said the goods will come next month 20... so i think i'll go....again.... haha... (will remember 20 July, Koreana)
Now is 6:16pm... go home lo...