Meet up with Sahfiq, Saliha, Tuck Mun, Terence n LynAnne....
Had dinner @Ngee Ann then outside Ngee Ann we saw some performances.... If i'm not wrong shld be ChinGay thingy.... then we all were jus standing there toking toking then there was a

Actually it was jus the Chinese 砲竹.... 哈哈...
There after, Tuck Mun n Terence took their leave 1st n the 3 of us went to Esplande to further chat...
we sit on the staircase near the river n there Sahfiq told us alot of his or rather his colleagues' (4 the eerie ones) experiences working @ a hotel near far east there.... there were funny things n spooky experiences too...
the scary things were the ghost stories n real life experiences.. i was typing now and hairs already started to stand... EEEeeee!!!!
1. there was once his colleague was in the lift... he could sense that "something" was in there too.... so he communicate with "something" with his mind thoughts and said *i nv disturb u so will u not disturb me too?* then his colleague heard * wat if i want to?* EEEEEeeee....
2. his other colleague was giving out newspaper to the various room (putting the newspaper outside the door) ... it was around 4am i think.... he put his trolley of newspapers @ one corner, took a stack of them n started distributing.... as u know hotel rooms are into 2 rows of the corridor... so he has to distribute one row 1st then turn back 4 the other row.... but when he turn back, he saw "something" like "Ju-On" standing on his stack of newspaper... he was shocked... he didnt know wat to do @ 1st coz to the lift to escape, he must pass through "Ju-On" b4 he could reach the lift.... so he decided that he go 4 the stairs... he was @ the 14th floor n Sahfiq was @ the 13th...
thus he picked up his courage n ran 4 the stairs... i think that he was very brave becoz he has to go near "Ju-On" 1st as the stairs was beside "Ju-On" he ran down but "Ju-On" nv give up... At every turn to the next flights of stairs "Ju-On" would appear in front of him.... If i'm not wrong, Sahfiq says he tried to ask wat happen using their walkie talkie but was in vain... his colleague nv reply.....
In the end, from wat i remembered wat i heard from Sahfiq was, his colleague ran out of the hotel n even further with his face real pale n green... his colleague even took 3 days MC straight after that....
3. One of his another colleague was going back home after work i remembered it was after midnight and he went to the carpark 4 his bike n saw "something" sitting on his bike so on order to drive the "something" away, he started to recite some "sutra" but "something" actually recite after him... can u imagine? it's so spine-chilling... but "something" did disappear after the recitation of the sutra... Lucky man.... but wat i was thinking was doesnt the sutra has any effect on "something"? coz it actually can recite after him.... Hmm..strange....
4. there was a room where the customer commited suicide n after a few months it was opened 4 stay again.... there was this new customer who stayed in.... in the middle of his sleep, the tv turned on by itself... so he went to turn it off n back to sleep... after a while, it was on again... so he called the reception 4 help... the customer say there was something wrong with the tv... so Sahfiq sais *okie, i'll send someone to repair it* despite knowing the truth that it was "something" 's doing... the second thime was the tap turned on itself... so the customer called up again.... Sahfiq went over n the customer said * there was something wrong with this room right?* Sahfiq replied *ya? okie, i'll send someone to check for u sir... * then the customer said *u shld know wat i mean right?* Knowing that he cant act ignorance anymore, he confessed abt the truth.... but lucky 4 him, the customer was not a hard one.....
5.this was a super short one that Sahfiq saw "something" wearing wedding gown in the middle of the night n disappear into the walls... okie, end of story..... super short right? haha...
6.this time was the finale n was Sahfiq's own experience... he was distributing the newspapers room after room... if i remembered he had to bent down or head down to put the newspaper or something.... the after one of the room he turned to the next room n he was shocked to see something in white appear in front of him... But HA, it was jus a customer wearing the bathrobe who want to take the newspaper personally...Okie this one was jus Sahfiq scaring himself.... haha..
Alright enough of those creepy stuffs... now here are the "cute" ones....
1. there was a very difficult customer n his colleague hated or rather, i shld say detest... he urinate on the cus suitcase b4 sending him off to the airport by taxi....

2. they were jus trying to be funny with the jap tourists as they couldnt understand each other after much "communication" with their proper english n jap...
they jus said some vulgar with a smile on their face n the jap tourists actually said *はい はい* meaning yes in japanese n things get done... can u imagine? funny right?
3. Last one was jus a truth n myth thingy....
there was once Backstreet Boys stay in this hotel...
N Sahfiq says * they were jus normal westerners when they dun put their makeup on*
Erhmm.. okie
by the time, it's 10+pm already n Sahfiq needs to work so we had to end the day after all his interesting stories... oppss sorry... shld be experiences...
Tata.... *yawnzz*