today went out for dinner with Javian, something ming lijiuan sandy vincent mustafa kevin and michelle for her bday on 6.1.06...

then after dinner peiyong join us...we keep loitering around coz dun noe wat to do n where to go... then we bought ice cream along the way n mine is treated by kevin.... then we walked to PS there... then sandy was taking photo of us eating then we all siam her camera.... then me n javian walked infront then i told javian then u left ur frien behind n he suffer ah... then he say yalo... he sacrifice mah... haha...
then i ask them where they stay then javian is redhill then ming is bedok....then me mustafa javian n vincent cross the road first so i was standing beside javian n we were eating ice cream n they were talking.... then a grp of gals cross the road n one looked at javian but she saw me n i think she thought his gf so quickly looked away.... then sandy suddenly ask whether i got watch 娯樂百分百 or not then i say got then she play with me the clap n ask how many horse that game...." actually is how many words u say that determine the number of horses" then i go n play with javian n i explained then sandy say dao ppl reaction slower.... when i explaining i saw ppl looking at us... i feel that we like couple lah... haha... both wear jacket...heehee...then i also played with him the open n close game (using the opening n closing of mouth) he also dun get it... haha...then also the telephone game then he feel super lame haha......then peiyong they all went to eat dou hua.... then me javian kevin ming n lijiuan went home then kevin they toking so i talk to javian lo... then we tok abt the new clubhouse all that...then also abt concert he say i got grp or not then i say no then he ask last year i got perform or not then i say got then he ask my grp got who.... then i say say say then he ask who sing then i say me lo... then he say sing wat song then i say jay chou an jing then he you choose one ah then i say no lah...y shld i choose a guy's song to torture myself...haha....i asked him what he study then he say sp then i say u toking fei hua leh... then he smiled... then he say ecc but i dun wat also la... then he asked u also meh.. then i say ya... he tought we graduate already.. then i say no lah... then he say y nv go practise... then i say i MIA member mah... then he say wah.. i also want to join u can or not....haha... then he say bcoz very pro already so can MIA ah... then i say mus ask 4 perimssion one mah...then he say still must ask for permission one ah... then i say if nv ask then they 不是氣死... then he laughed... then after that he asked me whether i tired or not then i say no... actually he himself tired lah... coz got play basketball earlier... he very cute lah... haha... then he 18something like rain's height.... 185... hehe.... i like.... :p
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