Last Saturday, i went to Jeslyn's house to collect mine and MeiLian's Mirotic (Japanese Language) Single... There's random card in the disc... Actually i only took one cd out of the bubble bag that Jeslyn gave to me... if i took both out, i think i'll take the one with different from normal packing, as in the material of the plastic is different...
Anyway, there's one JaeJoong card and Micky card, and i begged MeiLian to give the JaeJoong card to me ,coz it's suppose to be hers, whereby i feel quite guilty about that... However, later i found out that MeiLian is fond of the JaeJoong pic too and decided to give it back to her... Still, she decided to make the final decision of giving it to me... I really really appreciated that and really really sorry that i took the JaeJoong card...Thank you MeiLian, 감사하니다 and 사랑해... If i have open both and tell her, maybe there will be no situation like this that we discuss quite a few times to who should own the JaeJoong card... In the end, JaeJoong card will end up with me... LoLz, what an episode...
Later in the night, i wanted to transfer $$$ to DongBangStuffs to pre-order the Mirotic (Korean) Version C, whereby there'll be four new songs, and two songs are written by JaeJoong and Micky respectively... However, the two atm machines near my hse, they were from the petrol station and the idiotic thing is both machines cant issue receipt to me... Wat the *ding* I was in a rush somemore coz the pre-order will end on Sunday... yew~ What's more, i'm helping Jeslyn to order too and i didnt want any happenings *Xiah*
Finally, as i have to go to my grandma hse, i emailed my order form anyway to DongBangStuffs explaining my payment thing to them...Hopefully, they will accept my reason...
Sunday, i walked to ChongPang just to transfer the money after i tried at the atm(petrol station) again [still,it cant issue receipt )=] and help mummy to buy 4D too... and i got 8bucks from there... haha...yes, i'm broke...
In the night, lucky mummy, she won $40 from 4D... Better than nothing right? At least the winnings cover the cost... LoLz...
She told me at dinner and btw, my dinner is the previous night meehoon coz i really dun want to have the curry that grandma cooked... I think some of my friends do know about this... it's not that i detest the curry that grandma cooks, but she always cook so much that it lasts us a good few days that we have to eat for dunno how many breakfast(s), lunch(s) and dinner(s) with curry...and last week, my mummy already cooked lotong (vege curry), and not again, curry this week... Haiz...feel like shouting, "PLEASE FREE ME FROM CURRY!!!"
My cousins, aunts and uncles who normally visits on Sunday will like, wow, nice, got curry to eat but for us, it's always not the case... What to do???
2008년 11월 10일 월요일
*2 년 기념일 축하해* 9 November 2008

*i remember 2yrs back**************i got to know 동방신기*
*Haha... 9 November is my anniversary with 동방신기...*
*Time Flies...It's already 2 years for me loving them...*
*Just Hope that there'll be more 2 years to come...*
*I'll continue to love them, their music&dance...*
*Haha...i'll strive for my korean language too*
* Hope that one day, i can talk to them... *
*of course, in korean fluently...hee*
*this is the message to myself...*
*i hope to tell them too...*
*last but not least*
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