東方神起*동방신기 がんばれ!

2008년 3월 3일 월요일

Uncle James!!!

*생일 축하 합니다*
^Selamat Hari Jadi^
@hAppY biRtHdAY@


どちら?本当に変態 또는 무분별한 열정 사람?

yestaday, 本当に変態sms me again... he's been pestering me for around 7years? Seriously, i forgotten but he's jus scary for me... To me, i can say he's a nightmare...OMG!!! I jus hope that he will forget me and treat that i dun exist...at least in his world... HAiZ... 助けて!!!誰でも好い。。。

A11:30PM GUY

That day when i meet MeiLian i told her Ah Hui likes to sms me GoodNitez msges once in a blue moon and i realised that he always like to do it around 11:30pm....so strange right? HAHAHA... and taday i decided that i shall nicknamed him "A11:30PM GUY"....Heehee.... =P Coz like Britney Spears, [OPPS, I DID IT AGAIN] While in this case, is OPPS, HE DID IT AGAIN.... Haha...