Taday, got some far-distant relative coming to stay over, in my room so i had to end my lesson earlier to pack awhile for them to slp....
So i went off earlier at around 8:15pm... while i walk passed the posb atm, i knew someone was walking towards me, i was abit scared actually... the person tap me then i realised is A11:30pm Guy... hahaha... scare me xiah (JunSu).... then he was walking to Sun Plaza so we walked 2gether... actually he walked me home lah... coz need to walk pass my house, so its a 順便thing...
Taday, i also cut my hair.... really short... only merely touch my shoulder, expected, uri omma was shocked... hahaha... A11:30pm Guy was the 1st one who saw my short hair...hahha
Then he told me normally he wont be there coz he would go straight after his running... think he failed his IPPT....While me, i told him normally i wont be so early but taday different case so need to go off earlier... he added, "Later u must give me 4 numbers okie?"
I was like, "HUh? y?" then he replied, "coz like that also can see u... if i win 4D then thursday i treat u dinner okie? hahaha"
I was not really used to my short hair but he think its not bad...Lucky xiah (JunSu) i thought its not very nice....
The thing abt he actually walked me home i still feel very weird... haha... coz i always go home alone n him, not realising he is also the 1st one to walked me home to my doorstep... so not used to it.... =P
PS: NOt GoinG 2 take pic nor post pic of my hair~ haha... wan see? meet me in person then... =P
2008년 4월 15일 화요일
1st Member of 동방신기 of my 1st 동방신기 ゆめ
きょうあさ、私ね、dreamt of 동방신기..ははは。。。でも、いちひとだけでした。
It was about me, still in YTSS 2nd Year Sec 3... at my old seat,at the back of the class,ジュンス、his seat was in front of me....
At first, i was studying something at my own house on the floor... However. it change scene suddenly and i was at my seat in class n realise someone kept my papers that i was studying previously, nicely put under my table... Then, i went to sit at Tamadzi's place, toking to ジュンス。。。He was knitting something n i take over n realise that it was a blue cap.... SOoo CuTe!!!
It was abt the size of my fist.....I kept reminding him to end the knitting nicely n he kept tellling me that he knew how to do it perfectly....After he's done with the cap, i woke up.....
So, the moral of the story, i m going the knitting the cap as a "memo" of my dream...ははは。。
i think i dreamt of that bcause m going to learnt that from uri omma recently so i dreamt it...

きょうあさ、私ね、dreamt of 동방신기..ははは。。。でも、いちひとだけでした。
It was about me, still in YTSS 2nd Year Sec 3... at my old seat,at the back of the class,ジュンス、his seat was in front of me....
At first, i was studying something at my own house on the floor... However. it change scene suddenly and i was at my seat in class n realise someone kept my papers that i was studying previously, nicely put under my table... Then, i went to sit at Tamadzi's place, toking to ジュンス。。。He was knitting something n i take over n realise that it was a blue cap.... SOoo CuTe!!!
It was abt the size of my fist.....I kept reminding him to end the knitting nicely n he kept tellling me that he knew how to do it perfectly....After he's done with the cap, i woke up.....
So, the moral of the story, i m going the knitting the cap as a "memo" of my dream...ははは。。
i think i dreamt of that bcause m going to learnt that from uri omma recently so i dreamt it...
ちょうちょう、ちょう~うれしいいいいい~ わははは。。。

Now is
n m going to slp soon... surprised? haha, dun be... coz i going to be a 乖小孩 from now on coz i dun wan to die so soon... y? coz i read a article on the magazine n its really scary... so i decided to slp earlier for longer life n prettier skin haha... Nitez

2008년 4월 14일
Taday i stayed at home coz "笨"老師 was on mc..... then i wrote abit of my story [actually, i've been working on a story since i read the story TVXQ's fan wrote... i was moved n decided that i shld start someting too... haha... still working on it n it will be a Long way for me coz i only add something whenever i thought of something... haha.. so many "something something"]
2008년 4월 13일
Went to 埽墓... tiring day for me... n at night went to grandma house n played with Baby Jerzelle... oh ya, she had a blog n i hav add her on my list...
2008년 4월 12일
Helped uri omma make 包...
2008년 4월 11일
Went for lesson n cut my hair... then meet SSGang for dinner n party world for me n Ana's post BiGDay Celebration... haha... I think me n Ana r like TWINS in our gang, wahahahaha~ Coz we always get to celebrate our BiGDay together.. heehee... but i kind of like it though.. coz i dun hav a sister, i mean as a sibling, at home....
This is my dinner Sirloin Steak at Swesen's n the present they bought for me n the presie i bought for myself, a watch... haha.... N after party world, Lyn drove us home... Thanks all, i had a great time n Lyn, a Bigger Thanks to u.. haha, for driving us home....
2008년 4월 10일
Stayed at home coz i hav muscle ache, so dun feel like going for lesson~ =P Knew that m lazy...
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