yestarday(2Sept) went to meet Jeslyn n MeiLian to take my Otakara Photobook...we met at Northpoint n have some food... then i was toking abt cooking BiBimBap... then MeiLian says she dun wan bean sprouts n wan "kunbu" in it n Jes say she wan egg... haha... i was seriously didnt know that they were hinting... Wahaha... so wols of me...
then after eating i went to Jeslyn's hse... n we surf net together till 10plus n we really wished that we could attend the SMTown Concert'08 @ ShangHai... haiz but we got no $$$ n i got boliao n said can go n borrow from Doumyouji 道明寺, wahaha... coz we were toking abt this movie these few days...
then i walked home...while walking home, there was a man walking behind me n i felt really uneasy n i took my handphone out jus in case coz it was like near 11 n i got scared walking home alone....but the funny thing is that i walk faster than usual to keep a distance with the man but instead, coz i was holding on to my phone i dropped my spec.... n he shouted, "Hello! Hello!!" very loudly n when i turned back he was looking at my spec n i hav to walk back n he even picked up for me.... -__-\\\
PS: Oh ya... MeiLian will be going for a interview on tharsday... がんばって!!Hope she will get the job...