A little something about them...
There are a total of 21 members in the Family, Ranging from 19 to 27 years of age...Height from 166 to 178... Erhmmm, and the weight range is... ...haha... Okie okie stop these nonsense.. LoLz...
Okie... For this Singapore trip, i mean Korean Fiesta Performance, i think about 8 of them came... However, i only can recongnised some from performance and the photo i took...
They are Zero nine (신영석,1985), Style m (이용수,1983), Ssack(김신욱,1983), Sweep (채동열,1984), Min (전효민,1985) and Style Jack (김재기, 1982) The others erhmmm, really sorry i couldnt recongnise them by my photo...
Zero nine is MeiLian's favourite n me, i like Style m but i wished i can changed to Zero nine coz he's really the most man n handsome n cooL in the group and i had already mentioned it repeatedly like thousands of times haha... To MeiLian: Can Zero nine be my number 1 in the group too? Please??? LoLz... Here's i pic of him and Style m which i took from the website...

There are a total of 21 members in the Family, Ranging from 19 to 27 years of age...Height from 166 to 178... Erhmmm, and the weight range is... ...haha... Okie okie stop these nonsense.. LoLz...
Okie... For this Singapore trip, i mean Korean Fiesta Performance, i think about 8 of them came... However, i only can recongnised some from performance and the photo i took...
They are Zero nine (신영석,1985), Style m (이용수,1983), Ssack(김신욱,1983), Sweep (채동열,1984), Min (전효민,1985) and Style Jack (김재기, 1982) The others erhmmm, really sorry i couldnt recongnise them by my photo...
Zero nine is MeiLian's favourite n me, i like Style m but i wished i can changed to Zero nine coz he's really the most man n handsome n cooL in the group and i had already mentioned it repeatedly like thousands of times haha... To MeiLian: Can Zero nine be my number 1 in the group too? Please??? LoLz... Here's i pic of him and Style m which i took from the website...

Credits: Last For One
Last but not least, Last For One Rockz!!!
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