2008년 7월 26일 토요일
Gifts from Dear LiJiuan@ShangHai
Yeah, these are wat she gave me... It's a scarf, a Lucky Fish[now i bring it wherever i go] n 2 Pocky"s"... One's flavour is Tiramisu [i ate it n is yummy~~] n the other is mango n i haven get to try yet.. Haha...Hope S'pore will sell the Pocky here too... its too boring chocolate n strawberry~~OppS!!

Reward for work...
WaHaha... wohoo~~Finally, my one-week-part-time job's over n, this i wat i'm rewarded with besides getting paid as well... its given by the manager i think n she's Sharon:
It's a pouch, mini mascara, mini eyeshadow, n a mini frangrance which i gave it to omma...
PS: omma is mummy in korean... coz some friens responded that they dun understand korean... but i'm used to mixing korean n all... meaning rojak language? haha...Sorry abt that...
As for this following photo, its wat i bought to reward myself for working a job that i doesnt like for a week... :
It's a 동방신기 photobook of concert T, a 동방신기 jigsaw puzzle, a box... These 3 i got them from Comics Connections n the others like, the poster colour, paint brush n the woodcraft construction kit, i got them from Popular Bookshop... i love the poster colour coz it has korean words on it n i can learn colours in korean as i use them.. haha... i bought it not solely bcoz of the korean words but i wan to paint the woodcraft as well.. Haha....

PS: omma is mummy in korean... coz some friens responded that they dun understand korean... but i'm used to mixing korean n all... meaning rojak language? haha...Sorry abt that...
As for this following photo, its wat i bought to reward myself for working a job that i doesnt like for a week... :

2008년 7월 25일 금요일
RIP, http://miyukishanel-luv-dxxxxxd.blogspot.com
Dear all, i'll be changing my blog's address... So pls update your link ya... but dun worry, i'll leave a msg at your blog, for those who have a chatbox...
Some maybe be curious who's the dxxxxxd??? He's jus a guy who i like since Secondary School... Y decided to change the address now? It's becoz it's too difficult to spell out to others, and, it's already in the past... So, may
Some maybe be curious who's the dxxxxxd??? He's jus a guy who i like since Secondary School... Y decided to change the address now? It's becoz it's too difficult to spell out to others, and, it's already in the past... So, may
the new address will be jus http://miyukishanelle.blogspot.com or should i change it to http://miyukishanel-luv-jejungjunsu.blogspot.com ???
Nah~ think i will jus keep it as http://miyukishanelle.blogspot.com
NO Dinner for me???
Haha... today i told omma i was going out to pizzaHut for dinner with Jes n MeiLian... So in the end omma didnt cook much rice... then MeiLian smsed that she was not feeling well so we have to postpone the dinner outing...
Ard 8plus, omma said there's no more rice...for me... ...
Haha... so jus now i cooked instant mee goreng for dinner~~ but it's not disheartening at all...
Ard 8plus, omma said there's no more rice...for me... ...
Haha... so jus now i cooked instant mee goreng for dinner~~ but it's not disheartening at all...
i LOVE Cintan Spicy Mee Goreng!!! Wahaha~
2008년 7월 24일 목요일
2008년 7월 23일 수요일
Summary of the near "past"
Wow... seems like 2 weeks nv update le... to those who r concern, sorry abt that been busy n lazy... opps~ Okie... a summary of the near "past" :
11July08: a small secret btw me n my hairstylist teacher, he might be going back to m'sia n quit the job here~ sianz... n he told me not to tell the other teacher~ sshhii~
16July08: start of my one-week part-time job for my allowance~[cryz.. coz going to be broke soon... cryz bcoz of my knowing of my jobscope only after i agreed to work as admin...]
okie, it was sort of telemarketing which is a job that i hated most of every job first to giving out leaflets...n the thing is, my new frien, Dawn, who was in the job first didnt know that we have to make calls too... we, me n Jingni, another new frien who lives near me, joined Dawn the second day after she worked....At first, they told us that we only have to call for 3 days, n? on Friday,18July, they said that we will have to call till next Thurs,24July!!! So sianz... the thing is, everyday, we have to make calls n repeat the same dialogue over the 7hours each day we worked...ArGHZZZ!!!!
Really really hate it though i did call some really nice ppl out there~ N, "miraclously", today is my 5th day~ i really cant imagine that i can tolerate till now n, jus 2 more days to go~ YESH!!!
Jus share with u some ppl who didnt really thought it through b4 they open their mouth:
Case 1:
Me: "Hello Good morning/afternoon Ms XXX, issit it convenient to tok to u now?"
Ms XXX: "No~ n do u noe that is inappropriate to call now? Do u know that it's office hours?"
OMG!!! Can u imagine???!!! It's like, oh bcoz it's office hour, u have to work n so, i should not call u... So u think i shld work only when after u have knock off??? IT'S MY OFFICE HOURS TOO!!!! U MORON!!! WHAT IS THIS??!!!
Case 2:
Me: "Hello Good morning/afternoon Ms XXX, issit it convenient to tok to u now?"
Ms XXX: "No~ but wat is it regarding?"
Okie... tis is not annoying at all but really cute... since it's not convenient, then y do u ask wat is it regarding? to me, [okie, i know my "england is powderful"] this question is to allow me to say wat i was abt to tell u....cute?
Fine, i jus had this 2 situations so far.... n some ppl like to joke too... when i say i am Shanel, coz many ppl first response after i say i am YunShan, they will go "huh?" so i jus said i am Shanel, pronounce as Chanel, n they some ppl will say, "oh, u're Chanel, so, r u promoting Chanel or LancOme?" haha.. fun right? heehee... n some will say, "y Chanel working at LancOme? haha.. nah~jus joking..."
17July08: Meet LiJiuan for Chong Pang Nasi Lemak dinner... before that, i meet her at Northpoint n she was having her haircut at Jean Yip n as usual, b4 that, she asked for my opinion abt her, cutting her hair like she always does... haha... n she even told the hairstylist that i'm her hairstylist... haha... silly gal~ we were chatting over the dinner n she was updating me with all the happenings when she was ShangHai... Those happenings was really interesting but as it was jus the second day at work, i was really tired so i didnt tok that much that i usually do....Then, we went back to my place to chat further n my dad drove her home at 11pm n gave her durians too... heehee.. coz we really have alot....N Also, she gave me some gifts too... Thank U, my dear LiJiuan~~ Love those gifts!!!
18July08: After work meet GangSP for dinner at Far East Sakura for dinner n as usual, the guys are late... then after dinner, we went to a place at boat quay? or clarke quay? i'm not sure, to a place for playing board games [not bored games] n some food... but we did not order food n jus played swap n the "brick-stacking" game... it was really fun n enjoyable night... Haha... Looking forward to the next Gathering.... Most importantly, a BIG THANK YOU to ZUL n BERTHA for planning this outing...
PS: Jus Texts for now n Pics to be updated Later~~
11July08: a small secret btw me n my hairstylist teacher, he might be going back to m'sia n quit the job here~ sianz... n he told me not to tell the other teacher~ sshhii~
16July08: start of my one-week part-time job for my allowance~[cryz.. coz going to be broke soon... cryz bcoz of my knowing of my jobscope only after i agreed to work as admin...]
okie, it was sort of telemarketing which is a job that i hated most of every job first to giving out leaflets...n the thing is, my new frien, Dawn, who was in the job first didnt know that we have to make calls too... we, me n Jingni, another new frien who lives near me, joined Dawn the second day after she worked....At first, they told us that we only have to call for 3 days, n? on Friday,18July, they said that we will have to call till next Thurs,24July!!! So sianz... the thing is, everyday, we have to make calls n repeat the same dialogue over the 7hours each day we worked...ArGHZZZ!!!!
Really really hate it though i did call some really nice ppl out there~ N, "miraclously", today is my 5th day~ i really cant imagine that i can tolerate till now n, jus 2 more days to go~ YESH!!!
Jus share with u some ppl who didnt really thought it through b4 they open their mouth:
Case 1:
Me: "Hello Good morning/afternoon Ms XXX, issit it convenient to tok to u now?"
Ms XXX: "No~ n do u noe that is inappropriate to call now? Do u know that it's office hours?"
OMG!!! Can u imagine???!!! It's like, oh bcoz it's office hour, u have to work n so, i should not call u... So u think i shld work only when after u have knock off??? IT'S MY OFFICE HOURS TOO!!!! U MORON!!! WHAT IS THIS??!!!
Case 2:
Me: "Hello Good morning/afternoon Ms XXX, issit it convenient to tok to u now?"
Ms XXX: "No~ but wat is it regarding?"
Okie... tis is not annoying at all but really cute... since it's not convenient, then y do u ask wat is it regarding? to me, [okie, i know my "england is powderful"] this question is to allow me to say wat i was abt to tell u....cute?
Fine, i jus had this 2 situations so far.... n some ppl like to joke too... when i say i am Shanel, coz many ppl first response after i say i am YunShan, they will go "huh?" so i jus said i am Shanel, pronounce as Chanel, n they some ppl will say, "oh, u're Chanel, so, r u promoting Chanel or LancOme?" haha.. fun right? heehee... n some will say, "y Chanel working at LancOme? haha.. nah~jus joking..."
17July08: Meet LiJiuan for Chong Pang Nasi Lemak dinner... before that, i meet her at Northpoint n she was having her haircut at Jean Yip n as usual, b4 that, she asked for my opinion abt her, cutting her hair like she always does... haha... n she even told the hairstylist that i'm her hairstylist... haha... silly gal~ we were chatting over the dinner n she was updating me with all the happenings when she was ShangHai... Those happenings was really interesting but as it was jus the second day at work, i was really tired so i didnt tok that much that i usually do....Then, we went back to my place to chat further n my dad drove her home at 11pm n gave her durians too... heehee.. coz we really have alot....N Also, she gave me some gifts too... Thank U, my dear LiJiuan~~ Love those gifts!!!
18July08: After work meet GangSP for dinner at Far East Sakura for dinner n as usual, the guys are late... then after dinner, we went to a place at boat quay? or clarke quay? i'm not sure, to a place for playing board games [not bored games] n some food... but we did not order food n jus played swap n the "brick-stacking" game... it was really fun n enjoyable night... Haha... Looking forward to the next Gathering.... Most importantly, a BIG THANK YOU to ZUL n BERTHA for planning this outing...
PS: Jus Texts for now n Pics to be updated Later~~
2008년 7월 5일 토요일
理由? 簡單... 因為:
2.沒法笑... 難過時也應該笑不出來吧??? 神經病? 對, 在別人眼裡應該是,當一個人在外面的時候..
3.會用到力... 把心裡的悶哭出來... 很不錯哦...
6.別人看到的話, 也許會關心幾句...
這只是我的想法...突然想和大家分享一下[腋下? 哈哈~~我知道, ~好冷嘛~]... 那,你覺得呢?
理由? 簡單... 因為:
2.沒法笑... 難過時也應該笑不出來吧??? 神經病? 對, 在別人眼裡應該是,當一個人在外面的時候..
3.會用到力... 把心裡的悶哭出來... 很不錯哦...
6.別人看到的話, 也許會關心幾句...
這只是我的想法...突然想和大家分享一下[腋下? 哈哈~~我知道, ~好冷嘛~]... 那,你覺得呢?
Jus now, omma came to my room n said our sweet baby jerzelle is here~ haha...but when i came out of my room n check my downloads, it was all stopped... at that moment, i was really very furious!!!! i knew it's uri dongsaeng... Jus becoz he want to play... n the thing is he played EVERYDAY!!!!!! ********!!!!! then when will i hav to wait till my turn to download stuff? ~!@#$%^&*()_+_)(*&^%$#!!!!! I was really super angry.... he one day dun play will die ah?????? Wat shit is this????? Yestarday, he slowed down my download n nv even put back in pace for me... n me, i hav to waited n him? Can go to bed after having his stupid game.... n? i hav to waited to 3am n even "earlier" than that... n now? stoppped alll my downloads.... @#$%^&*(~!#$%^&!!!
but i didnt bother to argue with him...i knew someone will hav to give in... but i was really angry that he didnt even informed me abt that....but who cares? right?
but i didnt bother to argue with him...i knew someone will hav to give in... but i was really angry that he didnt even informed me abt that....but who cares? right?
It's a day for~~ CHocolate!!!!
I invited Jeslyn n MeiLian over for a chocolate fondue treat on Thursday, 3July08....
I met them at Sun Plaza ard 2plus pm.... then we went to ntuc for our fruits n stuff.... uri omma gave us a ride home....then we walked ard n chat, played our usual TohoGame n had chicken rice at ard 5plus... then we went upstairs at the roof to walk ard chat...thereafter, we went back to my room "laze" ard...
n at ard 8plus, we had our CHOCOLATE FONDUE... hahha... YUM YUM~~
we went surfing net when we saw that YESASIA had a pre-order for TVXQ's A Week Holiday!!!! OMG!!!! Of Course, we ordered... pray hard that it will be confirmed soon...
n they went back ard 9plus, MeiLian, her father came to fetch her n Jes, i walked her back till the traffic light~
Hmmmm... had a sweet evening with them~heehee
I met them at Sun Plaza ard 2plus pm.... then we went to ntuc for our fruits n stuff.... uri omma gave us a ride home....then we walked ard n chat, played our usual TohoGame n had chicken rice at ard 5plus... then we went upstairs at the roof to walk ard chat...thereafter, we went back to my room "laze" ard...
n at ard 8plus, we had our CHOCOLATE FONDUE... hahha... YUM YUM~~
we went surfing net when we saw that YESASIA had a pre-order for TVXQ's A Week Holiday!!!! OMG!!!! Of Course, we ordered... pray hard that it will be confirmed soon...
n they went back ard 9plus, MeiLian, her father came to fetch her n Jes, i walked her back till the traffic light~
Hmmmm... had a sweet evening with them~heehee
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