Now is
n m going to slp soon... surprised? haha, dun be... coz i going to be a 乖小孩 from now on coz i dun wan to die so soon... y? coz i read a article on the magazine n its really scary... so i decided to slp earlier for longer life n prettier skin haha... Nitez
2008년 4월 14일
Taday i stayed at home coz "笨"老師 was on mc..... then i wrote abit of my story [actually, i've been working on a story since i read the story TVXQ's fan wrote... i was moved n decided that i shld start someting too... haha... still working on it n it will be a Long way for me coz i only add something whenever i thought of something... haha.. so many "something something"]
2008년 4월 13일
Went to 埽墓... tiring day for me... n at night went to grandma house n played with Baby Jerzelle... oh ya, she had a blog n i hav add her on my list...
2008년 4월 12일
Helped uri omma make 包...
2008년 4월 11일
Went for lesson n cut my hair... then meet SSGang for dinner n party world for me n Ana's post BiGDay Celebration... haha... I think me n Ana r like TWINS in our gang, wahahahaha~ Coz we always get to celebrate our BiGDay together.. heehee... but i kind of like it though.. coz i dun hav a sister, i mean as a sibling, at home....
This is my dinner Sirloin Steak at Swesen's n the present they bought for me n the presie i bought for myself, a watch... haha.... N after party world, Lyn drove us home... Thanks all, i had a great time n Lyn, a Bigger Thanks to u.. haha, for driving us home....
2008년 4월 10일
Stayed at home coz i hav muscle ache, so dun feel like going for lesson~ =P Knew that m lazy...