2007년 4월 30일 월요일
last friday, i think i offend ClaY le... i was in the lift initially with CaRol, but i forgot to take my umbrella, so i went back to retrieve it.. then this time in the lift, the lift stop @12, then i was thinking if ClaY would appear n the conclusion is, he did.....
he said :Hello , n i smiled at him then look up to see the lift's screen going which storey already, but i think my action offended him coz it looks like me despising him... then we nv tok n walk our own ways... i feel like i'm a idiot... *ArHHH!!!!!!*
last saturday, me n mum went to Northpoint to shop for Fang's 21st Birthday present... we went LeeHwa n bought a necklace.... n after we went to Sun Plaza n bought my phone Nokia 6288 then go to NTUC...
2007년 4월 27일 금요일
then jus now [now is 4:51pm] we were toking abt them n toking abt AL using feng you.. then after that, we were chatting n gossiping abt them...
Jia Jia AL knows today go off at 5.30?
Jia Jia Shd know lah...
CaRol his good fren will tell him
Jia Jia YT date him le...
Jia Jia Wahahahahahaha...
CaRol yeekss.
PauLine haaaa u all so mean
MiYuKiShAnEL really ah
MiYuKiShAnEL she date him
MiYuKiShAnEL hahaha
Jia Jia No lah....
Jia Jia Hahahaha....
CaRol are we victimising AL?
MiYuKiShAnEL i thought i heard them yestarday abt al repairing com for yt
MiYuKiShAnEL i think we r
MiYuKiShAnEL haha
MiYuKiShAnEL oppss...
MiYuKiShAnEL =P very mean
Jia Jia Kekekekeke...
CaRol AL is quite nice what..
CaRol haha
MiYuKiShAnEL but too bad he dun really "click" with us
Jia Jia Hmmm...
Jia Jia why...
MiYuKiShAnEL dunno
CaRol lets go join hi, and apply feng you..
Jia Jia Generation gap?
CaRol i put yoko yoko
MiYuKiShAnEL hahaaha
MiYuKiShAnEL lol
CaRol wat gap..he so young.
Jia Jia Hahahaha...
Jia Jia Me lah me lah....
Jia Jia I am the oldest.....
Jia Jia among here lah...
CaRol die..i think ijust ganna phone audit
Jia Jia izzit?
Jia Jia How u know?
CaRol duuunooask me if this is HBL
Jia Jia and...
CaRol what HBL?i noe HBO
CaRol i say this EDN bye bye
Jia Jia I think is housing loan...
PauLine beriii sian ah
Jia Jia Going home soon le...
PauLine for u
Jia Jia Yah...
Jia Jia Half an hr later will be u...
PauLine they went to date again *coz i say jus now when me n carol go toilet n come back, she was peeking from her table to see who come back then they went out*
PauLine ai yoh so scandalous
Jia Jia Hahahaha....
Jia Jia Oh...went again...
CaRol go where?
Jia Jia date lor...
PauLine bring outbox things down
Jia Jia Wah...he die le...
MiYuKiShAnEL hahaha... i think few more days later, we will lose our xing2 xiang4 n bcome
3 gu 6 po
Jia Jia Wahahahahaha....
MiYuKiShAnEL haha
CaRol no lor..i am a SHU NU ( a woman with great virtue)
Jia Jia Pooi!!!
Jia Jia Sorry....
Jia Jia hahaha...
CaRol haha..why leh..i am lor
CaRol just that its hidden inside me
CaRol not exposed to public
CaRol wahahaha
Jia Jia I faint le...
Jia Jia Pls call 999....
MiYuKiShAnEL calling 999....
Jia Jia Aiyah...
CaRol to send me to mad pple hospital iziit
Jia Jia Cannot go at 5 le...
MiYuKiShAnEL sorry the number u dialed is not unavailable... pls try again later
MiYuKiShAnEL no lah... is 4 jia jia
MiYuKiShAnEL coz she say she faint le
Jia Jia Hahahaha...
MiYuKiShAnEL *is not available
CaRol service centre at 2nd flr got tv?
Jia Jia yeap...
CaRol hiyah..
Jia Jia But blur...
CaRol play what..cartoon?
Jia Jia Dont know change or not...
CaRol i wanna suggest play cartoon
Jia Jia Mr Bean...
MiYuKiShAnEL u want watch?
MiYuKiShAnEL orh
CaRol so that children wun make noise
Jia Jia Yeap....
MiYuKiShAnEL then if they laugh more noisy
Jia Jia Think so ba...
Jia Jia then mbr wont feel waiting very long...
CaRol play sad movies.too sad..cannot make noise
Jia Jia Will cry!!!
CaRol too sad to complain..wanna go home
Jia Jia Hahahaha....
MiYuKiShAnEL haha * and etc....*
can go home le.......
2007년 4월 26일 목요일
then, taday, i also very nosey... *haha* coz at first i laughed @ YT coz her hair clip make me think of the clip to fasten our snack... then found out that she used 2 ah soh hairclip to clip her hair, so cannot clip vertically... but she normally dun "tied" hair... then she n alvin, the new colleague went home together then we gossip that next time they will have lunch 2gether too... hahaha... so funny to me... coz actually we feel that he dun really "click" with us...
That's all folks*** for taday *smileZ*
2007년 4월 25일 수요일
ya.. Checked, is from ~Five in the Black~ album track 8… Jus Love this Song…Jus Melt with tis Song…
yeatarday, I finished Pauline’s storybook… but feel abit lost… n I think I even cried in the middle of the night… jus feel down.. haiz.. so in the morning, sms Pauline for a new book… n she borrowed me *Anybody out There* from the same author… on the cover, it says the book is hilarious and heartbreaking… but hope that it wont have a super sad ending… jus abit can le… however, seeing the description of heartbreaking, I bet it to be quite sad… haiz… jus hope that the funny part stands 99% and only 1% of sorrow…
2007년 4월 24일 화요일
Oh ya suddenly remembered that I actually slept and dreamt of ClaY in the loo… haha.. so funny right ? but I nv thought I would dream of him…but I cant remember wat is the dream about… haiz… now I’m so so so sleepy… howz… super sianz… I wish I can get my hard disk soon… coz I really wan to use my laptop… y? simple, I wan to watch youtube regarding TVXQ… my favourite group now… n ya, I only love them now… n all around me is Jaejoong… n bcoz of yesterday, that I had nothing to do, I did wallpaper of my HeRo… n this is my 1st time doing wallpaper of him…

Looking at the mirror, I feel like cutting my hair… but must save $$$ leh… haiz… from last month wan to cut till now… now is 10am, listening to Cyndi Wong’s song,
爱 捉迷藏 !掌心上 会冒出谁的脸庞 .爱 不说谎 !算笔画 谁才是对的他 .情人要求铜板 加满爱的力量 .红栾星闪闪在发光 爱情很快就要来 .用真心看未来 幸福铁口直断 .我拉着月老的红线 再远也不孤单 .爱的天灵灵 爱的地灵灵 赶走所有的坏天气 .就让爱闪电降临 上上签好心情 .爱的天灵灵 爱的地灵灵 呼唤所有的好运气 .就让爱闪电降临 注定爱上你!!!
This song made me hope for my love to arrive sooner .. coz I’m getting old soon… hope my “JaeJoong” will appear soon…. *dreamZ* =P
oO, suddenly remember I haven ask abt my vocal make up lesson yet…
sleeping soon… anything I can do? So boring n feel bad abt doing nothing n yet receiving $$... but no job is assign to me leh… so is not my fault, right?
at lunch, went to takeaway Sakae's kakiage n saw one super good-looking westerner, dunno how to describe jus super nice... haha... (went Sakae coz jus ate something free from wow ideas meeting at inv then pauline takeaway for me, bee hoon, hotdog, n chicken wing.. so decide to eat less)
I think taday i'll go Jeslyn there coz i want to see the TVXQ cd... shld be out taday.. haha...
btw, tommy sms me abt the audition thingy n obviously, i did not get in, but the main thing that i wan to say is he "called" me sharon, i think he loves this name, always call me sharon.. my *ShaNeL* not nice meh... okie, meh meh eat grass... haiz.. silly tommy...
new word learnt*Vehemently*-> strongly, passionately, heatedly, intensely, violently, vigorously
example: an activity you vehemently refused to do
2007년 4월 23일 월요일
then i think i need to tell someone n the only "someone" i think of is Jeslyn... then at the time, Jeslyn was going to hav her break, so we went out together... She complained a lot to me… abt the “zui qiang who secretly admire u noe” n stuff… she dunno heard from where that someone backstabbed her and actually she dun wan to said it so that not to hurt the relationship but here the main thing is she had voice out… so, watz the moral of the story? Who knows… n also gossip abt me always go to Jes's place to chit chat... but i think is bcoz she's sort of jealous n i may coz Jes not to work... i wat i think is i decided that i'll go only once or twice a week(but i think after our korean lesson starts, i can shrink to once a week)... so that it will not hurt Jes's work performance... actually sometimes i was thinking whether my appearance will irritate Jes or not... coz me myself also occasionally think that i go there too much already... opps =P
Then we went to comics connection and the “eng jie” there who noes Jes quite well said that there are new stickers… n Jes went to take the whole bunch out to browse… so I bought 3 n she bought 2… then eng jie also gave us 3 TVfXQ poster foc… omg…. I was so happy after the Thursday aud thingy happened…. Then I also got 1 free photo card of tazuya kamenishi n Jlyn got Tang Yu Zhe’s… so nice… I like to but no greedy greedy.. so I nv make comment…its from eng jie… so nice of her… haha… I was so glad that I went there with Jes… haha… bcoz of her I alot of benefits coz i even took a poster "bag" too… a BIG BIG thAnkZ to her n eng jie (i reserve a book too n i think i'm going taday to take.. haha so happy)… but Jlyn hav to bluff from her colleague abt the posters, so jus tell her I had a frien from comics connection had a lot of extra posters.. so “he” gave me n I gave to Jlyn… but really, we hate to lie… its jus so difficult... but not choice hav to say… haiz…
On Satarday, I was waken up by the noise of the workers who were trying to knock my wall (from 574) down… however, the feeling I got was my rooftop was going to drop on me coz its was jus so loud n I felt it so near me… thus, I went to the loo the back to bed then finally I wake up n hav my breakfast… then after which I helped my mum with the buns or rather, baoz she making for *Qing Ming* although I only make a few, I did make improvements coz I had a very long time nv do these things already… then I did some washing n proceed to help my grandma with her kuehs… it was more difficult than *wrapping* baoz I thought… but I still managed to do a few… haha…
Yestarday, woke up at ard 8am coz need to go for *sao mu** then it was quite tiring so I slept in the living room in the afternoon b4 going to aljunied there for grandpa and great grandma (mother’s side) then watched tv then slept again on the chair… then wake up go to bath n went to grandma’s place.. so sleepy… btw, we also chose the rockz flooring for our carpark,; rooftop garden n; oppa’s balcony…coz we got the sample…
As for taday, nothing to do... again... (extract from pauline's storybook, *IF u Could See me Now from Cecelia Ahern* 4 the ... again... )
2007년 4월 20일 금요일
Haiz... this week haven write anything here yet.... jus checked... i did wrote something n it was jus 3days back... i think its becoz of yestarday's audition... omg... i jus flunk it.... it's jus horrible...
This are the pics of the bag, 1st is the handdrawn the the 2nd is the real photo... actually this is the 1st time i'm looking @ the "real" stuff... n it RoCkZ!!! hahaha
2007년 4월 17일 화요일
After which, i went to Jeslyn there and played cards as usual... but this time with HaLiana also.. but when she came in, her face was super black... then we went interchange then we talked about the Korean Language class.... i think i want to go... but now no cash leh... Haiz...
Then Sunday, went to my vocal class then tommy keep disturbing me... when i was at the "reception", actually i already saw him walking towards me but he still put his hand in front of me... the when opening our voice, he played different speed when he play for me... then when i was singing he went to take *dunno whose* specs and wore it... the specs was plastered with scotchtape then i say dun disturb me leh... it was suppose to be a sad song leh... thus overall the class was fun lah... but i think he abit too high that day....
Yestarday, the newcomer came... actually i wasn't expect much coz i think i knew Sherry's taste lah... when she say quite cute n i thought of last time that "Kenny Lin" i was like erhmm... so it turned out as i expected... nothing much, as in no "view" lah... abit sianz +p *opps Sorry, now i only see my sweet JaeJoong around me* (coz my whole table is filled with JaeJoong photos & 1 Xiah, my no. 2... hehe.... )
now i got one problem.... i haven choose a song for my audition on thursday... HOW HOW HOW.... should i sing eVonne Hsu's *Hu Ran Hen Xiang Ni* or CoCo's *Baby Dui Bu Qi* or Elva's or Jolin's song? OMG.... tatsukete!!!
2007년 4월 13일 금요일
FRIDAY the 13
this morning i nv eat breakfast so super hungry when i reached, CaRol was already eating breakfast.. Coz they had meeting early in the morning... then after me n Pauline n Kah Meng went up to buy breakfast, Mary asked me to staple some things for her coz it was for Sherry...initially i thought it was 50 sets... so Pauline helped me... then Kah Meng helped me with one set... haha... then i went up to 32 floor their meeting room... i knocked the door quite a few times but no answer so after i knocked for the last time, i opened the door n saw Margaret... i whispered Sherry's name to her n Sherry came to collect her things... so the door was opened ajar and i saw CaRol n she was looking @ me and ClaY too.... i was like so paiseh... coz i think not only the 2 of us but instead the whole meeting room's people was looking at me....omg *.* but now i was thinking watz Clay feeling after seeing me... i still feel abit nervous but i think that was bcoz i have nv see him for quite a while already...
12 Apr 2007
taday, Jeslyn called to ask me whether i wan to take korean language course with her... i was quite suprised n happy after she didnt reply my sms yestarday...it cost $315 for 10 lessons weekly for 2 hours with 4 pax per class... then i asked Sherry and she said learn from CC cheaper n the sensei nim is also from korea... dun no leh... haiz... but i was very interested lah... but the lessons like very short leh...
After work, i went to Northpoint comics connection n bought some things again... i think this this short half month i already spent more $50 for TVfXQ... *wow*
11 Apr 2007taday i took the lunch time to go Tiong Bahru to buy the TVfXQ's book...(coz i already called the branch n they had 1 book so i reseerved) then i went there n walk around n saw that they had xiah's mug n leather strap n u know yunho's wooden hanging pic.. but no YoongWonJaeJoong... haiz but i bought a small hanging poster... so i mms Jeslyn... but she say the pic she dun like leh... haha... Overall for the rest of the day i think i did irritated her alot... Sorry.. :p
After work, i went to meet Sandy coz LiJiuan was sick so she couldnt make it... then we went the Suntec coz she'll be meeting after me Vincent for a movie... then we had pasta for dinner @ pastamania... thereafter, we separated our way to our destination.. i went to HMV(@cityLink) then the shop beeped... i think its bcoz of Sandy's CD... coz she bought ChooSey LoVER TVfXQ for me from Taiwan... quite paiseh la... the the security was nice... jus asked me a qns... n let me go... but there was nothing 4 me to buy leh... only go step by step singles.. the rest i had already...
In the mrt, i asked Jeslyn whether she wan to take a look at the CD but she said it okay coz if Taiwan has the SG is going to hav too.. haha... then i was like okay then i send her a sorry msg coz i really think that i was irritating her with my smses but she nv replied... i really like her as a frien n we hav common topic.. that is TVfXQ.. haha... so i really dun wan her to get "enough" of me...After i went home, i opened up Kwee Lan present (so nice of her coz she went Aust then come back still buy belated present 4 me) then i opened Sandy n LiJiuan present, it was a red sofa jewellery box n eSpirit towel set.. n of course my ChooSey LoVeR... haha... daddy gave me a soft toy that he received from some seminiar i think... it was quite cute but dun know wat is it... then i was wondereing wat can be "sit" on the sofa n oppa took the soft toy to sit... n it fits.. haha... very cute... =) then i watched "200 pounds beauty" a korean movie... it was nice n the guy was cute... haha..
10 Apr 2007
taday after work meeting Amy Ana Sirong n Terence.... but b4 that, i decide to fight for time to help Jeslyn buy her poster coz i scare later sold out le she'll be disappointed... so i went to sembawang comics connection... i wanted to confirm the poster with her but she was too busy that she nv hear her phone... n i "bombard" her phone... finally i bought some things n went to meet Amy n guys... SO SO SO Sorry to make they wait for me then we went to chong pang there... the "KFC n BIGBOOK SHOP" building to eat the "THAI GUO XIAO CHI" we were on the bus when i finally get through Jeslyn's phone and told her where i was going n she said her bf was working there as well...haha... wat a conincidence...haha... then after eating, we went home... we had a hearty meal... the food was quite nice... n we neednt wait for long.... then i went to NTUC to buy wat mummy want to buy... after buying, i went to Jeslyn's place again... to pass her the poster... then i stayed till they knocked off... (taday know Jeslyn's frien is call MeiLian who like U-KnowYunHo) after they've done with their duty.. we chatted n played cards whereby each of pick one card after we choose which card we wanted... one by one... if u take wat u dun want then u hav to pass to the person who want the card... we played until 10+pm.. this is the 1st time i stayed so late in a shopping mall... when we play, all the shops were already closed.. our gate was also pulled down already then 3 of us were inside... Jeslyn even joked that we can take hot water n eat cup noodles coz i bought exactly 3... haha...i browsed through the TVfXQ book that Jeslyn bought frm comics connection... (it was the one i was bothered whether to buy frm MICHIN or not) the photos were really nice... so Jeslyn said she can help me to ask the comics connection downstairs...that then me n Jeslyn take bus together as MeiLian took Mrt.... Realised that Jeslyn is living only 1 bus stop away from me... =)
2007년 4월 10일 화요일
taday, NOTHING to do again... finally got my mainframe... haha... but now, (5:36pm) super bothered.... dun noe wan to buy my TVfXQ pictorial book or not... haiz... HOW HOW HOW!!!
Lessons learnt:
1. We often hear someone say 'Where do you stay?' when asking for a person's address.
However, 'stay' usually connotes something temporary. For example, you stay in a hotel or hospital, or you stay the weekend at someone's place.
When asking where someone's home is, it is better to ask: 'Where do you live?'
2.Often, we hear local parents reminding their children to 'call Uncle or Auntie'.
However, we can simply tell them to 'say hello to...'.
3. Sometimes, we say 'May was admitted into NUS.' Hoever, the correct version should be 'May was admitted to NUS.' 'People are admitted to schools, theater, hospitals, clubs and societies, not into them.'
4.My radio is spoiled. (Singlish)
My radio is not working. (English)
Do not use the word spoil to describe mechanisms that are not working.
5.Martin got nothing to do, is it? (Singlish)
Martin doesn't have anything better to do, does he? (English)
2007년 4월 9일 월요일
otanjyobi omedeto seni chuka hamida
Word learnt taday....*Archaic: old; outdated; ancient; antiquated; old-fashioned*
2007년 4월 5일 목요일
HaPpi ^.^
taday, i think i saw that thomas guy again... but i did not look at him.... i jus feel someone was looking at me n i think i saw someone that the fringe was like him... then i saw carol... today we wear all black with a little white... she wear the doll dress and me abit princess type... then i feel like two dolls walking on the street... haha...
taday, i think i going to look for hero's bico pendant..
2007년 4월 4일 수요일
2007년 4월 2일 월요일
But my dad found my photo when i was young... it was for my passport.. n i think it was cute n funny... coz i did not look at the cam... haha... it was a stretch of 4 photos.... but the second n forth were cut out i think they can be used.... haha... tonight must go n ask mom for the other 2... Hope they still exist... haha.. i showed them to CaRol n she said it was cute... asked me whether i had looked at the taken out b4.... so i wanted to do wat i said earlier.....
Now is 1:56pm.... jus had my lunch..... went to "Si Ma Lu" for prayers with Diana n CaRol.... 1st time see ppl "Jiu Qian" quite interesting.... and as today is 15th of the lunar month, so it was quite a crowd there... then we had our "prayers" * i wished 4 our renovation to go smoothly, everyone safe(ping an) and 4 myself, i wished to have a handsome and good bf) then we went back to IP to buy lunch... i had mine packed, so i went to asked about the lemination n deliver of my photos.... i think i'll go tml....
oh ya, jus remember still must buy bedroom slippers 4 wei, dunno need to buy for oppa or not...