東方神起*동방신기 がんばれ!

2009년 2월 18일 수요일

Happy Birthday to Changmin

As Changmin loves food so much, so me n kumiko also treat ourselves to food which we consider good in celebration of our baby Changmin to man Changmin's Birthday~ Wahaha... So we had our lunch at Ajisen~ Yummy yummy... compared to the Northpoint "taste-so-chinese" ramen... Haha... ^^

For a set, 2 side dish is included too~ The maki is yummylicous but the chicken wings we had is far too oily and even though is smells nice and looks good it taste okay neither bad nor very yummy...

Okie okie.. Haha... That's all for Food... It's time to wish our Changmin Happy Birthday~
Sharing 2 photos of his from baby look to manly boy... HAHAHA...